Emu Oil is an amazing, natural oil that has endless uses and benefits. Use this remarkable oil on your face, hands, and all parts of the body to help improve the look and feel of your skin. BENEFITS OF USING EMU OIL: Due to its ability to reduce inflammation in soft tissue and increase the growth rate of skin cells, it is useful in reducing symptoms related to: Dry Skin, Eczema, Dermatitis, Rosacea, Psoriasis, Burns, Acne, Stretch Marks and many other conditions. THIS IS AN AMAZING SKIN MOISTURIZER: It is an extremely effective moisturizer and emollient without leaving the skin oily.
With regular use it causes the skin to grow slightly thicker and smoother causing wrinkles to become physically smaller. It is especially useful for use around and near the eyes since it does not cause irritation. Skin that has been exposed to the sun for many years improves dramatically.
Massage a drop or two directly onto the skin and spread over. Add a drop of two more until the area is completely covered. Allow the oil to penetrate; this may take a few minutes. Repeat as often as needed. Just a few drops are all it takes.The skin should not feel oily when you are finished. If it does, you may have used too much so use slightly less next time.